Архив рубрики: 🇬🇧 Английский язык

Топик "My favourite holidays" - Мои любимые праздники на английском

Топик «My favourite holidays» — Мои любимые праздники на английском

Сочинение «My favourite holidays» — Мои любимые праздники. В топике на английском рассказано о самых любимых праздниках автора.

My favorite holiday is Christmas. I love the festive decorations, the warm and cozy atmosphere, and spending time with family and friends. I also enjoy giving and receiving gifts, baking holiday treats, and watching classic Christmas movies. Читать далее

My free time - сочинение на английском языке с переводом

My free time — сочинение на английском языке с переводом

Текст о свободном времени на английском с переводом на русский язык. Вы можете использовать данное сочинение, чтобы написать собственное эссе (English).

Text «My free time»

One of the best ways to spend your free time is by pursuing a hobby or interest that you’re passionate about. Whether it’s playing music, painting, hiking, or cooking, engaging in activities that you enjoy can provide a sense of purpose and satisfaction. Not only does it allow you to express yourself creatively, but it can also help reduce stress and improve overall well-being. Читать далее

Why do people travel — почему люди путешествуют (текст на английском)

Traveling is one of the most enjoyable activities for many people. Whether it’s exploring a new destination or visiting a familiar one, traveling can provide many benefits. From discovering new cultures to making new friends, here are some of the reasons why people travel and the benefits that come with it. Читать далее

Проблемы подростков — текст на английском

Teenagers face an array of issues as they navigate through life, and understanding these issues is the first step towards finding solutions to them. From peer pressure to body image to mental health, there are a variety of topics that can be difficult for teens, and it is important to provide resources and support in order to help teens cope with these issues.

My dream job — работа моей мечты на английском

Текст «My dream job — работа моей мечты» на английском языке

Dream jobs come in all shapes and sizes and are often the result of a combination of things that a person finds personally fulfilling and professionally rewarding. From the time we are young, many of us have an idea of what our dream job will look like or involve. The journey to achieving this dream job, however, is rarely straightforward. In this article, we will look at what defines a dream job and then dive into how to pursue it. Читать далее